Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesdays with Hal
A few years ago Tuesdays with Morrie became a best seller. It's about an old man and a young man and life's great lessons. I think I could write a book called, Tuesdays with Hal one of these days. Hal is a friend who goes way back with me. He is the old man by one year so he has lots to teach me. We became buddies when we were both still in school. We meet every Tuesday at Mac Donalds to eat and share stories. We laugh, we cry, we eat. Most of the time I'm the first one there. I wait for Hal to drive up and hope he doesn't drive on through the drive through as if he had forgoten why he was at MacDonald's in the first place. So far, he hasn't. It's not the food but the friendship that draws us together each Tuesday. When we have to miss being together, we can hardly wait until the next Tuesday. It's just the two of us. He would bring his wife and I would bring mine but we both know they need time off from the two of us. They deserve it after putting up with us for all these years. Their motto could even be, "We Do It All for You!" Well, they don't do it all for us, but they are off to a good start. One of these Tuesday's we will let them join us if they will buy.
Monday, October 30, 2006
I found a copy of The Way of the Wild Heart by John Eldredge at the bookstore today. I have
been waiting for it to arrive. I have read all his books and found all of them to worth reading. I'm sure I will get a great deal from this new book. The trouble is, I had to put another book aside to start my reading of this one. My desk looks like a library at times and this is one of those times. For example: The Fourth Frontier, Yearning, and "Leadership" magazine all await my attention, not to mention, The Bible are all on or beside my desk. Every once in awhile I pick one of these up and read a few pages and then put it back down, not because I don't like it but because I don't have time to read it all at once. And, to be honest, other books bid for my full attention at the moment. While some want to watch tv all the time, I want to read most of the time. I used to hate to read books by anyone. Now, I love to read. One of these days I am going to keep my promise and write a book myself. I've been giving it lots of thought: Letters In A Box. Who knows, it just might become a best seller. For now, I've got to go pray and get back to my books.
been waiting for it to arrive. I have read all his books and found all of them to worth reading. I'm sure I will get a great deal from this new book. The trouble is, I had to put another book aside to start my reading of this one. My desk looks like a library at times and this is one of those times. For example: The Fourth Frontier, Yearning, and "Leadership" magazine all await my attention, not to mention, The Bible are all on or beside my desk. Every once in awhile I pick one of these up and read a few pages and then put it back down, not because I don't like it but because I don't have time to read it all at once. And, to be honest, other books bid for my full attention at the moment. While some want to watch tv all the time, I want to read most of the time. I used to hate to read books by anyone. Now, I love to read. One of these days I am going to keep my promise and write a book myself. I've been giving it lots of thought: Letters In A Box. Who knows, it just might become a best seller. For now, I've got to go pray and get back to my books.
I love to take a seat on our front porch swing and look all around.This morning rather than doing what I always do,I did something different, I sat in a different chair, in a different place. I was amazed at what I saw. I had had my back to the beauty behind me as I was seeking to see what was before me. Got that? I sure did get it! I got to see what looked like burning bushes. I got to see tall trees that were changing colors in the Autumn air. I saw these things because I sat somewhere else this morning. What a show. What a blessing. What a great decision I made on a Monday morning as October draws to a close tomorrow. By the way, I understand that Tuesday will be wet and cool. I'm sure glad today I'm able to drink my coffee and read my book with a new view from the back and not from the front as usual. It's a sight to behold! So I invite you to sit somewhere different and see if you see something you've been missing. I bet you do.
The church we attend averages well over a thousand each Sunday. But yesterday, I preached at a small church in the country. That's two Sunday''s back to back now. Both were beautiful services. Both were worshipfull and meaningfull. The two smaller churches were traditional while the church we attend has five services . Some time we attend the tradtional and at times we attend the contemporary service which is the best attended service. What I observed is that the Lord is lifted up in the small and in the large church both. It isn't really the size that matters, it's the worship of the Lord God. I'm proud of these different size churches who do different things to reach the people as they reach up to God and God reaches down to them. It is always a pleasure to preach at the small and the large church. I have served as a Pastor of both and found both to be used to God's glory. I always look forward to attending any church that offers the people a sense of the Holy. That's what happened for me in a very small church, in a very big way yesterday morning.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Isn't it amazing how hearing a word can take our minds far, far away? When I was walking through our kitchen today I heard the word Crisco and immediately my mind went way back to when I was a child. We had a snow white Eshimo spitz dog named Crisco. I can see him in my mind even as I write these words. He was a dog that let you know who was boss - Crisco. He would wag his tail and go wherever you would go as long as he could except in our house. Dad wouldn't dare let Crisco come in there! Crisco's bark was worse than his bite. He liked to watch people walking into the church right next door. This dog from years and years ago has a place in my heart on this October afternoon. I can almost hear him barking as I drink from my cup of coffee. What a dog! What memories! Better than Crisco Oil, that's for sure!
I went to the Library this morning to get a couple of things that I needed. While I was there I saw a man slumbed over at his table. He was sleeping and snoring. He was atleast keeping the rules of the Library by being pretty quite. You had to be right by him to hear him. Once I started sneeze to see if it would awaken him but I didn't. I left him in his slumber not knowing why he was sleeping. Maybe he has had a hard day. Maybe it's the cool weather. Maybe it's the book he was holding in his hand. Must of not been good enough to keep his attention very long. I hope when he awakes he is refreshed and restored. I hope he has a really good day after having such a good nap in the Public Library of all places. I have an idea he won't be taking the book with him when he leaves the Library though. I'ts a real sleeper!
When the telephone rang late yesterday afternoon I wondered who it was. The voice on the phone was reminding me that I have an appointmentat 10:00 a. m. today where I bought my hearing aid. After I hung up, I started thinking about what had just taken place. Why would I need a call to remind me about an appointment? One of their business cards has the date written on it so I can refer to it, so why call? Because I had forgotten, that why! I'm glad I got a wake up from their office. When it comes to prayer and Bible reading I sometimes think I need someone to give me a call to remind me that I need to read The Bible or pray. It is so easy to push prayer and Bible reading aside, isn't it? That's why God has placed something down inside our souls to help us remember to pray and read The Bible. We dare not ignore those reminders that can pull is into prayer and the word of God. It helps us to be better and do better each and every day. So the next time you feel a need to pray or read The Bible, don't put it off, instead, go down on your knees and turn to the best book ever written. After all, it's all for you.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The telephone rang late this afternoon. It was a call from a friend of our daughter telling her she
was bringing a pie over in forty-five minutes. How nice of her to think of baking and bringing a
pie to our house. Being the guardian of my family, I knew that it was my responsibility to taste
th first bite. I wouldn't want them to get ill just in case the pie wasn't really ready. With a great
deal of skill, I took a taste and then a second, and a third. You can't be too sure these days, you
know. Well, I am delighted to report to you that they are safe to eat the rest of the pie now. It's
not only safe, but marvelous!! So marvelous, I may have to reinspect it before turning in for the
If the wonderful, beautiful person who made the marvelous pie happens to read this and ever feels a need to make another pie for our daughter, it would be okay. Hint - hint.
was bringing a pie over in forty-five minutes. How nice of her to think of baking and bringing a
pie to our house. Being the guardian of my family, I knew that it was my responsibility to taste
th first bite. I wouldn't want them to get ill just in case the pie wasn't really ready. With a great
deal of skill, I took a taste and then a second, and a third. You can't be too sure these days, you
know. Well, I am delighted to report to you that they are safe to eat the rest of the pie now. It's
not only safe, but marvelous!! So marvelous, I may have to reinspect it before turning in for the
If the wonderful, beautiful person who made the marvelous pie happens to read this and ever feels a need to make another pie for our daughter, it would be okay. Hint - hint.
This afternoon as I was working at my desk, suddenly our daughter rushed into the living room and hid a dog bone from one of our two grand-dogs . Of all things it was like hiding Easter eggs on a cold damp day in late October. Sure enough, one of the two dogs darted into the room as if it were Sherlock Homes in search of something. I realized that our daughter had hidden a bone beneath one of the two couches and was waiting to see if Memphis would find it. Sure enough, like a good dog, he had the bone in his mouth before she could sneeze. I thought to myself, isn't this silly! Here' s a grown womand acting like a little child looking for Easter eggs. Then all of the sudden I realized that I too was having a good time as I watched with anticipation. I had become like a little child who was watching one of our children playing. I'm so glad that what I was doing could wait or, I would of missed the moment. A precious moment. I sure do hope there are many more moments to come in our house we call home. Now, where was I before I was interrupted by a bone, two dogs and a darling daughter?
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
While I was working with my last blog, I noticed the process of a blog being published. After I
have written this, the publishing of it will begin. As it is happening, I'm told what % of it has
been accomplished. Then when it is through, I 'm informed that "your blog has been published
successfully. (details.....)"
All this got me to thinking about my life, of all things. This Saturday night we are to change our clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings Time. I wonder, what % of my life have I lived? I'm 62 years old, how much longer do I have to live? How much longer do I , if you will, have to publish my life? I have a pastor friend who has a habit of saying, "if you will", in almost every sermon. One Sunday I counted twenty times that he said that without even realizing he had even said it. Well, he 's rubbing off on me because I just caught myself saying, "if you will?, a second ago. Ugh! So, I really do ponder how much longer I have to live and how much longer do I have to say and do good things before my life is over. Will it be lived successfully? As I look in the rear view mirror of my life thus far, what do I see? Is it successfull or a failure? What are the details thus far? I can't go back and do it all over but I can go forward and try to do better, if I will. As I live my life, I want to keep the SON in my eye's. I deeply desire to live my life with purpose and passion like Jesus who told Almighty God, "not My will, but Thine be done". Join me somewhere on the journey, "if you will."
have written this, the publishing of it will begin. As it is happening, I'm told what % of it has
been accomplished. Then when it is through, I 'm informed that "your blog has been published
successfully. (details.....)"
All this got me to thinking about my life, of all things. This Saturday night we are to change our clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings Time. I wonder, what % of my life have I lived? I'm 62 years old, how much longer do I have to live? How much longer do I , if you will, have to publish my life? I have a pastor friend who has a habit of saying, "if you will", in almost every sermon. One Sunday I counted twenty times that he said that without even realizing he had even said it. Well, he 's rubbing off on me because I just caught myself saying, "if you will?, a second ago. Ugh! So, I really do ponder how much longer I have to live and how much longer do I have to say and do good things before my life is over. Will it be lived successfully? As I look in the rear view mirror of my life thus far, what do I see? Is it successfull or a failure? What are the details thus far? I can't go back and do it all over but I can go forward and try to do better, if I will. As I live my life, I want to keep the SON in my eye's. I deeply desire to live my life with purpose and passion like Jesus who told Almighty God, "not My will, but Thine be done". Join me somewhere on the journey, "if you will."
I was up early today to get my flu shot. I had an 8:30 appointment at the Health Department and yet here I am at 8: 45 writing this blog. When I walked into the building there were lots of
people so I was told to "take a number, take a seat." Just as I was about to be seated I was told to head on down the hall. Before I could have a seat, I was told to go on in. Before I had my shirt sleave rolled up almost, I had been shot! I was in and out in less than five minutes. Time flu!
As I was going out to my car I saw an elderly woman walking with a cane as she approaced the door. Upon seeing her, I made a u-turn, walked over and opended the door and wished her good morning. She smiled and thanked me as I was walking on off. I came back home knowing I have already had a very good morning. Now I just hope that the flu flies on down the road and leaves me alone. By the way, have you had your flu shot? Maybe you should fly go get one before the flu bug bites.
people so I was told to "take a number, take a seat." Just as I was about to be seated I was told to head on down the hall. Before I could have a seat, I was told to go on in. Before I had my shirt sleave rolled up almost, I had been shot! I was in and out in less than five minutes. Time flu!
As I was going out to my car I saw an elderly woman walking with a cane as she approaced the door. Upon seeing her, I made a u-turn, walked over and opended the door and wished her good morning. She smiled and thanked me as I was walking on off. I came back home knowing I have already had a very good morning. Now I just hope that the flu flies on down the road and leaves me alone. By the way, have you had your flu shot? Maybe you should fly go get one before the flu bug bites.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
While working at my computer I heard a strange sound and saw a strange sight. One of our two
dogs came dancing through the room being chased by our daughter. What was so strange was
that she had a battery powered toothbrush in her mouth and the motor was making a strange
sound to both me and the dog. I stopped whatI was doing as the two of them made their way on
out of the room. After this intrusion into my quite study, had a strange sensation in my mouth
until I got up and went and brushed my teeth. Only then was I able to get back to work. Since
then, I haven't seen or heard the strange sounds but I know my mouth sure does feel cleaner.
I don't know about the dog and the catcher.
dogs came dancing through the room being chased by our daughter. What was so strange was
that she had a battery powered toothbrush in her mouth and the motor was making a strange
sound to both me and the dog. I stopped whatI was doing as the two of them made their way on
out of the room. After this intrusion into my quite study, had a strange sensation in my mouth
until I got up and went and brushed my teeth. Only then was I able to get back to work. Since
then, I haven't seen or heard the strange sounds but I know my mouth sure does feel cleaner.
I don't know about the dog and the catcher.
It's that time of the year when my wife and I have a good fuss every now and then. I like to turn the heat up to get rid of the chill when I get out of bed every morning. Then when she gets up she turns the heat back down and tells me to stop turning it up. I know it cost money for me to turn it up, but it's not all that much. What I really like is when the two of us cuddle up on the couch and eat popcorn while watching tv. A good fuss is when we both know we can get along with the heat up or down. While I know I'm right, I still let her have her way sometimes. After thirty seven years I think things will work out ok. They have thus far. Besides, the best part of a good fuss is a good kiss and hug as we make up with one another.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I came across a great name for some of my older buddies who meet at McDonalds. ROMEO: Retired Old Men Eating Out. "O Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo?" I enjoy eating but I enjoy being with my buddies most of all. We all need friends whom we can be with, don't we? I'm so glad I don't have call "Rent A Friend". As someone has said, "Relationship R Us" is really what's it's all about. I'm not toying around with that either. As soon as I finish with this I'm going to call a friend and see if he can meet me in the morning at McDonalds. Even the coffee is cheaper for us older people. By the way, if you see some older men at some McDonald's, call out, "REMO", and see what happens. I might even buy your meal.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
After her surgery last Friday afternoon my daughter's Doctor came to her room to dismiss her from the hopsital. He told her he had to hear a song before she could leave. She looked around the room at the seven family and friends who were with her and said, "Doxology." All of the sudden the sound of music filled the room and hospital halls as we sang: "Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen." The Doctor who sang along with us smiled and signed her release and then stepped on out of her room as if he were dancing with the stars. The rest of us just sat or stood there with thanks in our hearts that Jennifer was doing so well.
Dr. Fred Craddock says that too often we leave Doxolgy locked up in the car while we are with
someone in the hospital. Or, we leave Doxology out in the car while we eat. Worse yet, we leave
Doxology out all together as if Doxology didn't even exist. What do you say? Where did you leave Doxology? You better go get Doxology since you never know just when and where you might need him. If you don't believe me, ask the Doctor you see dancing with the stars
somewhere in a hospital in Nashville. He can tell you all about having a song in your heart even
in the hospital. I dare you to start singing the Doxology right where you are. You will praise
God and get a spiritual pick up that will make you feel so much better all day long.
Dr. Fred Craddock says that too often we leave Doxolgy locked up in the car while we are with
someone in the hospital. Or, we leave Doxology out in the car while we eat. Worse yet, we leave
Doxology out all together as if Doxology didn't even exist. What do you say? Where did you leave Doxology? You better go get Doxology since you never know just when and where you might need him. If you don't believe me, ask the Doctor you see dancing with the stars
somewhere in a hospital in Nashville. He can tell you all about having a song in your heart even
in the hospital. I dare you to start singing the Doxology right where you are. You will praise
God and get a spiritual pick up that will make you feel so much better all day long.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
One of our two dogs was determined to run off this morning. Infact, I think he had an escape plan in place already. He was just waiting for the right moment to take off. When he saw that
I wasn't watching he took off like a jack rabbit. Maybe he was chasing one, come to think of it!
What amazes me is that here at home he gets food, a nice place to sleep and a family to love
him. His side-kick has been looking out the window wondering where in the world he could be.
She sniffs and searches all around the rooms in the house, gives out a bark or howl that surely
he can hear. The whole neighborhood can! But Memphis ignores her and us. Maybe Memphis has moved to Memphis is search of the king. I sure hope Memphis can dig something up to eat
because he will get hungry soon, not to go into details about the weather which isn't worth writing home about.
Well, I best be looking for the dog that's gone because the dog that's here isn't none to happy.
Come to think of it, neither am I. so, if you see a back Huskie named Memphis heading to Memphis, give him a ride or bring him back home. We will leave the porch light on.
ps: Don't take this too serious. I know where he is. I also know that he thinks he is the king!!
BREAKING NEWS: The king who left the building is back in the building. He is resting in his bed and wondering why no one patted him on the back becasue he's back. I know: he was very
wet with rain drops dripping off his fur. He came from the fur country, you know.
I wasn't watching he took off like a jack rabbit. Maybe he was chasing one, come to think of it!
What amazes me is that here at home he gets food, a nice place to sleep and a family to love
him. His side-kick has been looking out the window wondering where in the world he could be.
She sniffs and searches all around the rooms in the house, gives out a bark or howl that surely
he can hear. The whole neighborhood can! But Memphis ignores her and us. Maybe Memphis has moved to Memphis is search of the king. I sure hope Memphis can dig something up to eat
because he will get hungry soon, not to go into details about the weather which isn't worth writing home about.
Well, I best be looking for the dog that's gone because the dog that's here isn't none to happy.
Come to think of it, neither am I. so, if you see a back Huskie named Memphis heading to Memphis, give him a ride or bring him back home. We will leave the porch light on.
ps: Don't take this too serious. I know where he is. I also know that he thinks he is the king!!
BREAKING NEWS: The king who left the building is back in the building. He is resting in his bed and wondering why no one patted him on the back becasue he's back. I know: he was very
wet with rain drops dripping off his fur. He came from the fur country, you know.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I am amazed when I stop to consider how many friends my daughter has. She is having surgery Friday morning in Nashville and I doubt there's enough room to hold everyone who says they will be there. They are coming from California, Kentucky, and even Nashville. To top that, there will be family members, church members, and who knows who else. I hope the surgeon shows up! I'm sure he will. If he doesn't, we will just all go out and eat until he does. Except for you know who.
I am also amazed at all the cell calls, phone calls, and emails she gets day and night. Then there is the mail that comes by the postman and by Fed Ex, not to mention the notes, cards and letters handed to her from family. I used to write her a birthday letter every year but the ink was all gone from my computer last Sunday. So, I hope she reads this blog to see that her dear Dad has done it again. You see, this is my way of letting her know that her father loves her so very much too. Happy Birthday, Jennifer. And, Happy Hospital hours. I hope you find this to be a great success.
I am also amazed at all the cell calls, phone calls, and emails she gets day and night. Then there is the mail that comes by the postman and by Fed Ex, not to mention the notes, cards and letters handed to her from family. I used to write her a birthday letter every year but the ink was all gone from my computer last Sunday. So, I hope she reads this blog to see that her dear Dad has done it again. You see, this is my way of letting her know that her father loves her so very much too. Happy Birthday, Jennifer. And, Happy Hospital hours. I hope you find this to be a great success.
Isn't it amazing how busy everyone seems to be these days? Just about everyone I see seems to
be busy. We all have "places to go, people to see, and things to do." It doesn't matter how old or how young you are, you've always gotta be going places and doing things. There's not enough time to get it all done. Whenever one project is finished, another props up bidding for attention, now!
Isn't it amazing how we allow others and other things to take control of our lives? Why can't we
learn to say "no" to others and other things and say "yes" to ourselves? If we don't control the
control, someone else or something else will. Just you wait and see. I dare you. We hate to wait, don't we? We've always have to be up and going. But, where will you be when you get there? Will you still have no time to be still? I still dare you to simply be still for a few moments and soak in what's around you and withinin you. Hear it. See it. Breath it. Think about it. I dare you. Well, enough of this being busy with another blog. It can wait.
be busy. We all have "places to go, people to see, and things to do." It doesn't matter how old or how young you are, you've always gotta be going places and doing things. There's not enough time to get it all done. Whenever one project is finished, another props up bidding for attention, now!
Isn't it amazing how we allow others and other things to take control of our lives? Why can't we
learn to say "no" to others and other things and say "yes" to ourselves? If we don't control the
control, someone else or something else will. Just you wait and see. I dare you. We hate to wait, don't we? We've always have to be up and going. But, where will you be when you get there? Will you still have no time to be still? I still dare you to simply be still for a few moments and soak in what's around you and withinin you. Hear it. See it. Breath it. Think about it. I dare you. Well, enough of this being busy with another blog. It can wait.
I looked at my lip when I got up this morning to see if the swelling had gone down from my fall
yesterday morning. It seemed to be bigger than yesterday. It still hurts when I eat and even
when I talk. I just hope the swelling is gone by Sunday since I'm to preach for a friend. I've
never spoken in tongues but Sunday it may sound like it. Isn't it interesting that often we say
things that we wish we had never said. If only we could take those words back or be able to say,
"That's not what I said." Words can hurt. Words can cut and leave pain. Words can be down right mean. I know, I've said some and I've had some said to me. Hey, maybe my big sore mouth is trying to tell me something, watch what you say and how you say it. Now that I've said that, what do you have to say for yourself? Speak up, I can't hear you.
yesterday morning. It seemed to be bigger than yesterday. It still hurts when I eat and even
when I talk. I just hope the swelling is gone by Sunday since I'm to preach for a friend. I've
never spoken in tongues but Sunday it may sound like it. Isn't it interesting that often we say
things that we wish we had never said. If only we could take those words back or be able to say,
"That's not what I said." Words can hurt. Words can cut and leave pain. Words can be down right mean. I know, I've said some and I've had some said to me. Hey, maybe my big sore mouth is trying to tell me something, watch what you say and how you say it. Now that I've said that, what do you have to say for yourself? Speak up, I can't hear you.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
In a couple of blogs back I said something about my wife not taking the garbage out. One of my
family members just informed me that she doesn't take it out because I get up and do it before she gets up. Well, I may beat my wife up in terms of getting out of bed, but I don't beat her up! I may beat my wife to the table to eat, but I don't beat her up! I may beat my wife to reading through a book, but I don't beat her up! I may even beat my wife to the bathroom every morning, but I don't beat her up! But, if my dear, wonderful wife wants to beat me up and take out the garbage, she can beat me up each and every time!! I really do mean it.
family members just informed me that she doesn't take it out because I get up and do it before she gets up. Well, I may beat my wife up in terms of getting out of bed, but I don't beat her up! I may beat my wife to the table to eat, but I don't beat her up! I may beat my wife to reading through a book, but I don't beat her up! I may even beat my wife to the bathroom every morning, but I don't beat her up! But, if my dear, wonderful wife wants to beat me up and take out the garbage, she can beat me up each and every time!! I really do mean it.
Today would of been a good day to stay and bed and sleep, sleep, sleep. It is raining and even if
it is warm outside, today was made for sleeping. I just said that to see if you are awake out there in where- ever- you- are -land. While we all need more sleep than most of us get, most of us need to get on with our lives. Life won't wait. Life goes on. Already today the 300,000,000 baby was born somewhere in America. That baby didn't sleep the morning away, and neither did the babies dear Mother. That tiny baby said, "Are you ready for a baby?"! It will be interesting as to how much attention that child and his/her parents will get now. I'm sure they will be ready to turn in tonight. But until then it's party time! Sleeping Beauty is here and it's a great day in the Morning!
it is warm outside, today was made for sleeping. I just said that to see if you are awake out there in where- ever- you- are -land. While we all need more sleep than most of us get, most of us need to get on with our lives. Life won't wait. Life goes on. Already today the 300,000,000 baby was born somewhere in America. That baby didn't sleep the morning away, and neither did the babies dear Mother. That tiny baby said, "Are you ready for a baby?"! It will be interesting as to how much attention that child and his/her parents will get now. I'm sure they will be ready to turn in tonight. But until then it's party time! Sleeping Beauty is here and it's a great day in the Morning!
I fell this morning when I was coming into our garage after taking the garbage out to the side of the street. I hurt my left leg and my lip, but most of all, it hurt my feelings. I thought I had more sense than to let my feet slide out from beneath me. I knew that when the floor gets wet, one has to watch his or her steps. I guess my mind was focused on, "why can't my dear wife take out the garbage?" Or, my mind was thinking about how much rain had fallen during the night. Anyway, I fell down hard and wondered who would even hear my call for , "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!" ? Sad to say, even our two huskies heard me but they didn't go get help. They just kept watching Radar the Weather Dog telling about the rain, not in Spain on the plain, but the rain inside my garage where I was down but not out. After a few seconds of wondering what to do, I was able to lift myself up and walk into the house. I hoped my teeth were still in place and that my leg would be ok. I'm glad to report that I'm alive and well even if my pride is hurt.
The trouble is, I can't find a big enough band-aid to put on my bruised pride. I just hope no one stares at me wondering how I hurt it. Maybe someone will be a good samaritan and give my pride some pity. I sure could use it. Ouch!
The trouble is, I can't find a big enough band-aid to put on my bruised pride. I just hope no one stares at me wondering how I hurt it. Maybe someone will be a good samaritan and give my pride some pity. I sure could use it. Ouch!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I give myself a shot in the leg every Thursday to help with my M. S.. I have been doing this for a number of years. Today I realized how much I take this for granted. I simply give the shot and get on with my life without giving it much thought. Today I'm giving a great deal of thought to it. If it were not for the Avonex, I might not be walking at all. If it were not for the medicines I take every week, I might not be able to do much of anything. The cost of all these weeklshots and pills is very expensive, but it is well worth the cost since I'm doing as well as I am.
Don't we all takes things for granted? It is so easy just to go through the motions without giving much, if any, thought to what's really go on. It seems to me that we all eat fast food because we
gobble it down and run on our ways. We keep cool or warm without much thought to how we heat or air-condition our homes. We just stay cool or warm depending upon what the case might be. And so it goes. We go on without thinking about it except to complain how much these things cost, and then, we grumble, don't we? I invite you to simply stop for a moment and think about all we have that helps us get on with our lives and the give thanks.
Don't we all takes things for granted? It is so easy just to go through the motions without giving much, if any, thought to what's really go on. It seems to me that we all eat fast food because we
gobble it down and run on our ways. We keep cool or warm without much thought to how we heat or air-condition our homes. We just stay cool or warm depending upon what the case might be. And so it goes. We go on without thinking about it except to complain how much these things cost, and then, we grumble, don't we? I invite you to simply stop for a moment and think about all we have that helps us get on with our lives and the give thanks.
My Father's oldest sister died during the night last night. She would of been 99 in November. I
remember going to her house when I was just a child. We kids would ride their horses, play hide and go seek, and try to get Uncle Ray tickled under his arms. My Aunt was a resident in the same Retirement Home as my Father and his other sister. We will miss her wit, humor and sweet smile. Just yesterday, I assisted in a funeral for a 80 year old man whose wife had died a couple of months ago. His death came as a shock to all of us. Bob had several things planned that he wanted to get done before dying. Bob will be missed by all of us who knew him through the years.
These deaths remind me that we never know just when or how death will comes to us. Their
deaths remind me that I need to get my house in order. While my Father is 94 and still living,
who knows who might be next to die. I've already lost a brother and sister through death. It
would be a wise thing to "get right with God", as they used to say. Someone said a few years ago,
"I don't mind death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." Well, one of these days, in
some way, it's going to happen, to me, to you. Until then, live life daily with thanksgiving and
gusto. And, most of all, "get right with God."
remember going to her house when I was just a child. We kids would ride their horses, play hide and go seek, and try to get Uncle Ray tickled under his arms. My Aunt was a resident in the same Retirement Home as my Father and his other sister. We will miss her wit, humor and sweet smile. Just yesterday, I assisted in a funeral for a 80 year old man whose wife had died a couple of months ago. His death came as a shock to all of us. Bob had several things planned that he wanted to get done before dying. Bob will be missed by all of us who knew him through the years.
These deaths remind me that we never know just when or how death will comes to us. Their
deaths remind me that I need to get my house in order. While my Father is 94 and still living,
who knows who might be next to die. I've already lost a brother and sister through death. It
would be a wise thing to "get right with God", as they used to say. Someone said a few years ago,
"I don't mind death, I just don't want to be there when it happens." Well, one of these days, in
some way, it's going to happen, to me, to you. Until then, live life daily with thanksgiving and
gusto. And, most of all, "get right with God."
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I used to pull the chair out from beneath someone about to sit down on it. It hurt! I know, I've had the deed done to me! After removing all the seats from our dinning room chairs to put new covers on them, I started putting them back on the chairs this morning. After I had just gotten through replacing the screws in a couple of chairs, my wife thought she would help me out. We worked with a couple of chairs and then she got tired and started to have a seat. It wasn't a good idea. There was not seat on the chair yet. She went right through the bottom of the chair with her bottom. What a sight to see. She was a good sport though, she laughed along with me. I told her that what she did would end up as a blog. I hope she will sit down soon to read this blog because I think it will make her feel better. As for me, I've got to get up and get going before she wants somthing else done around here.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I had planned to have lunch today with one of my friends. I was really looking forward to our weekly Tuesday time together. Last night my wife informed that she had a job for me today. I must admit that I was frustrated because I already had my agenda for today in place. I had places to go, people to see and things to do. After my wife told me she wanted to put new seat covering on our dinning room chairs, I got up extra early and removed the chair bottoms from each chair, removed the old seat covers and had them all ready for her to work with while I was gone for a couple of hours. It was the perfect plan. I was so proud of myself for being ready to go out at lunch time. Well, my perfect plan just fell through because my friend just called to inform that he would not be able to meet today or next week either due to something that has come up. Now that I've written this, I think I will go get something out of the kitchen for lunch. I sure hope nothing changes my plans. I'm hungry after all my hard work. Besides, I've got to put all this stuff back together before night fall so we will have something to sit on this evening. I'll still be hungry, I'm sure!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Today while I was working with something, my daughter kindly corrected me about a mistake I had made. She didn't scold me nor did she make fun of me. She simply helped me correct my mistake. She even went so far as to show me how to do something better than the way I had been doing it. I learned two things from my daughter today. I learned how to correct my mistake and, I learned how to help someone in a gentle way. What I need to do now is go and help others as she has helped me. I hope this helps you, help others.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
When we bought our house a few years ago, we had to tear out some big bushes near the front and side of the house. It took a pretty long time to get the job done. We wondered what it would look like when we were finished. My wife had an eye for the future. She started seeing what it would look like if we were to plant new smaller bushes and a tree or two in place of what we had when we bought the house. After we were through with tree and bush planting, things began to really take shape. I wonder what you and I might look like if we were to do as my wife did. She studied things in her mind and then she went to work to accomplished what she wanted. It worked. I need to drop a few pounds. I need to eat less if I want to drop the few pounds. I know that when I look in the fridge "I can't have that, if I want to look like that." I have to leave something off if I want the weight to drop off. Maybe we should visualize the future and then see if what we hope to look like can come true. I have an idea of what I need and want to look like so that I can live longer. You see, I see the future way out there in front of me and I want to get there in the best health I possibly can.
My Grandpa (my Father's Father) owned several acres of farm land until he died. It was a real treat to be there. When I was young, there was no electricity, no indoor plumbing and no real good way to get to their place without going down the road very slowly due to sharp curves and high hills. We used a lantern at night for light, a pot-belly stove for heat and slept on feather beds. We played horse shoes, waded in a creek not far from their house and played with his dog , Brownie. But the best thing was to go off to Tater cave. It was a special treat because it was so spooky. A large tree stood above the entrance of the cave where people used to store their potatoes and other things that needed to be cool. We had to slowly decend into the cave or else we would find ourselves falling down into it. At night we would gather around Grandpa and just talk. When the time came to call it a day , Grandpa would get up out of his old rocker and get down on his knees to pray. Everyone of us got up off our chairs or the couch and got down on our knees and prayed with him. We don't go back there now that he has gone. But I still go back to Grandpa's often in my mind because there's something about that place that has left a lasting impressions with me as I grow older. That's why I get up out of my chair and go down on my knees from time to time and pray just as I did long, long ago with Grandpa way back in the woods in a place called Wonderful.
Friday, October 06, 2006
My Grandfather lived on a small farm that had a small house with a small outhouse out behind the house. The only running water in their house was what someone would run out and get and bring back in. The well was where we Grandchildren loved to play. It was fun to drop a cup as down into the well as we could and then pull it back up with the robe and get a drink from it. It was fun to pretend as we played. We would pretend we were digging for water. We would pull up the water and then pour it out acting like we were putting out a fire. Those were the good old days until there was a drought. Then we couldn't pretend any longer. The truth is, we couldn't pull water up out of the well because there wasn't any water to pull up.
Today we take things like that for granted. We go to the sink and turn on the water and out it pours. We drink it, bathe with it, cook with it and so forth. I think that whenever we turn on the water, we should think of those people in many places of our world who don't even have water to drink, let alone bathe in. We have so very, very much, don't we? Have we given God thanks and helped those who have so much less than we have? How well do we do? Not well enough, I'm sure. Not well enough.
Today we take things like that for granted. We go to the sink and turn on the water and out it pours. We drink it, bathe with it, cook with it and so forth. I think that whenever we turn on the water, we should think of those people in many places of our world who don't even have water to drink, let alone bathe in. We have so very, very much, don't we? Have we given God thanks and helped those who have so much less than we have? How well do we do? Not well enough, I'm sure. Not well enough.
The toilet backed up, the two dogs spilled their drinking water in the family room, I forgot to take something with me that I needed when I left the house this morning and, I spilled my drinking water at the resturant. These are just some of the things that went wrong today. These things put me in a bad mood. I was a grouchy old man until I saw the man in the mirror and had a talk with him. I told that ugly guy that he was acting ugly and that he should stop it right now! I told him to look for the good and not the bad. I told him that he should be still and chill. Well, it worked. The man in the mirror was last seen watching base ball on tv and eating popcorn. He even shared some of it with the two dogs that had made him mad earlier morning. Isn't it amazing how we react when things happen to us that are just part of day to day life? Why get all out of sorts when it's best to to just sort things out and get on with our lives. That's why I'm writing this blog this afternoon, it has helped me be in a better mood.
A pastor friend of mine and I have breakfast together from time to time at a resturant. When we met the last time, Paul spilled his water glass on himself and the floor. I laughed at his mistake when it happened. Well, this morning it was my turn. Without any thought of doing such a thing, my right elbow hit my water glass thus spilling water on myself and the floor. This time though it was me who was in trouble. Terresa, the owner of the restuarant was walking by and said a word of "good morning" to us and then she saw the spilled water and ice. When she bent over to clean it up, I told her I had done it. She had a good laugh out of it and then she said, "it happens all the time." Had I had another glass of water near by I think I would of spilled it too just for the fun ot it. I should of told Paul that it would be his turn next time. But knowing Paul he would of just turned and walked away laughing as he got in his car to leave. We all need someone we can enjoy being with as we jouney through life. And, one of the best things about this morning was that Paul paid for my breakfast!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
I am on page 235 of the Philip Yancey book, Prayer: Does It Make a Difference?, which I started reading on September 13th. Once again, I find myself feeling as if I am Holy Ground while I read his writing. Yancey yanks my chains. He makes me think. He makes me laugh. He makes me mad. But most of all, he draws me nearer and nearer to the Throne of God. As always, I have a lot of marks throughout the book to remind me to turn to those pages for spiritual jump-starts and to have some sermon seeds to work with in the future. As I read this new book, I find myself wondering why I don't deal with some of the things he deals with. I hope by the time I reach page 334, I will be able to say that this book has given me a deeper desire to be a person who prays much, much more and helps answers the prayers of others much , much more. Now it's left to me to pray and do more and not just read another book about prayer. I have an idea that maybe then I can make a difference in the lives of others just as Yancey's book has made a difference in mine.
A few minutes ago I came home after a busy day and started watching baseball. All of the sudden I wanted a Babe Ruth candy bar and a couple of cups of coffee. So I went into our kitchen and opened a drawer where we keep candy and pop corn. I could hardly believe my eye's when I saw, not one, but two, Babe Ruth candy bars. I sat down and enjoyed one of my afternoon delights. It was a grand slam home run as far as I'm concerned. I didn't have to run to get anything. I just walked in and got it. What I need to do now is make a run in our home and hug my wife for making me so very, very happy. Yum -Yum!!
I wonder where she keeps the t-bone steaks? Hey, Janice! ...................................
I wonder where she keeps the t-bone steaks? Hey, Janice! ...................................
One of my favorite things to do is to sit on the front porch swing and watch the traffic passing by. I pretty well know the habits people have as they drive by. Even if I don't know these people by their names, I pretty well know who will drive by at a fast speed and who drives slowler. I know who will stop at the stop sign and who will run it. I know who will be talking away on their cell phone and those who won't. I know who will be alone and who will have others with them. Some will honk at me and some simply ignore me.
I've been thinking about doing what an elderly man who lived by a busy road used to do, day day. He would wave at everbody who passed by. Made no difference to him , who it was or where they were going, He just did it. And now that I think about it, it made a difference on me because I can still see him in my mind as he waved as my car passed by day by day on my way to or from College almost forty years ago. I better finish this blog and get back to the porch swing so I can wave as the parade of people pass by. I wouldn't want to miss someone who needs a wave on their way to where ever it is they are going. It just might make a difference in their lives today. So, I wave goodbye as I go to wave hello to those who pass by our house.
I've been thinking about doing what an elderly man who lived by a busy road used to do, day day. He would wave at everbody who passed by. Made no difference to him , who it was or where they were going, He just did it. And now that I think about it, it made a difference on me because I can still see him in my mind as he waved as my car passed by day by day on my way to or from College almost forty years ago. I better finish this blog and get back to the porch swing so I can wave as the parade of people pass by. I wouldn't want to miss someone who needs a wave on their way to where ever it is they are going. It just might make a difference in their lives today. So, I wave goodbye as I go to wave hello to those who pass by our house.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Today is Senior Citizen Day where we shop for food. Since I am over sixty, I have a Senior Citizen's card that allows me 10% off of what we buy. When I go with my wife, I love to watch the way these folk rush up and down each asile or slowly push their carts down the asiles. There ought to be a warning sign in each asile so the younger crowd can be aware of senior citizens in their midst. The best thing to do, is not to do your shopping on Senior Citizen Day. I have thought about going real early on one of these special days, like 12: 05 a.m., just to see how things might go. But I'm in bed sleeping. I can wait. On day's like today, I know that when my wife drives in the drive way and honks the horn of our car, I better be ready to go unload the trunk and the back seat of all she has bought at a good discount. And, I better do it with a big smile and a warm welcome. After all, I let her use my card and do the shopping without me today. At least I can help carry things in. Slowly. Very slowly, unless I know there is ice cream in one of those many, many plastic bags, then I can get out to the car pretty fast for a man my age. After all, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do! Right?
Wrong!! I was wrong. My wife didn't get ice cream after all. But that's ok. She got a bunch of
other goodies. Goody - goody for her! Now, where was I? Oh yea, back to the game.
Wrong!! I was wrong. My wife didn't get ice cream after all. But that's ok. She got a bunch of
other goodies. Goody - goody for her! Now, where was I? Oh yea, back to the game.
Cereal. Newspaper. Medicine. Have you noticed how almost everything you get these days is wrapped up in something for protection? Your sandwich is wrapped up at a restaurant. Your package in the mail is wrapped up. Just think of the time it takes to unwrap all these things. Just think of the amount of wrap to be thrown way? Just think of how much all this wrap cost.
Why don't we go to as much trouble to wrap up our children for protection? Go to as much trouble to wrap up our minds for protection? Go to as much trouble to wrap up our souls for protection? Maybe we don't do these things because it takes too much time and cost too much. While we will protect our possessions, we fail to wrap up the things that are of most value, ourselves. Let me wrap this up by saying one more thing. Duck tape and wrappings of plastic or paper aren't anything as good as to be wrapped up in the arms of family, friends, faith. It's a wrap!
Why don't we go to as much trouble to wrap up our children for protection? Go to as much trouble to wrap up our minds for protection? Go to as much trouble to wrap up our souls for protection? Maybe we don't do these things because it takes too much time and cost too much. While we will protect our possessions, we fail to wrap up the things that are of most value, ourselves. Let me wrap this up by saying one more thing. Duck tape and wrappings of plastic or paper aren't anything as good as to be wrapped up in the arms of family, friends, faith. It's a wrap!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
When you go to the counter of a place like McDonald's, someone will ask, "How may I help you?" You give your order and go off to eat it either in or out of the restaurant. Today while I was waiting for a friend to join me for lunch at McDonald’s, I sat near one of the doors. People were going in and out at such a rapid pace that I could hardly help but
notice something I had never noticed before. Often someone would approach the door with something in both arms. Almost every time, someone either coming in or going out, would hold the door open for that person. There was even a "thank you" expressed most of the time. There was a smile most of the time on both faces too.
What if all of us were as nice all of the time? Maybe the real "Happy Meal" isn't in a box, but in the spirit of helping some stranger simply go through a door. Maybe the real "Happy Meal" is a smile which someone needs from a stranger. As we were leaving after lunch, my friend opened the door for me. I didn't ask him to do it, he just did it and smiled as we said, "goodbye, see you next Tuesday," and went our way. While he didn't buy my lunch, he did give me a" Happy Meal" to go by being someone who took the time to help someone at McDonald's, me. What a guy!

What if all of us were as nice all of the time? Maybe the real "Happy Meal" isn't in a box, but in the spirit of helping some stranger simply go through a door. Maybe the real "Happy Meal" is a smile which someone needs from a stranger. As we were leaving after lunch, my friend opened the door for me. I didn't ask him to do it, he just did it and smiled as we said, "goodbye, see you next Tuesday," and went our way. While he didn't buy my lunch, he did give me a" Happy Meal" to go by being someone who took the time to help someone at McDonald's, me. What a guy!
When we got home from a meeting last night, I sat down at the computer to work. When I looked at the
wallpaper on the monitor I saw that our daughter has replaced the old one we had with a brand new one. She has taken a picture of the front door knocker and put it up as our wallpaper. It has six words of welcome: "Peace to all who enter here". These welcome words await anyone who turns on our computer. With all the turmoil in the world, we all need these words of welcome, don't we? We all need peace down deep in our souls. We all need peace in our homes. We all need peace in the world. Speaking for myself, these words have given me peace already. I just hope I can convey peace to people whom I know and whom I don't know. We all can use a big dose of peace. This "screen saver" can help save us from things in our lives we really don't need or want if we allow it to really be taken to heart. Don't knock it. It works.

I began taking a new medication last night that causes one to be drowsy. Was I ever drowsy! Most mornings I am up by 5:30. Not this morning. I didn't get out of bed until 7:00. Our son was already up and gone to work. The garbage guys were already doing their jobs. It's 9:30 and I feel I've wasted time by being in bed so late. Even though I don't have a job to get too, I still want to get going bright and early each and every morning. Now that I stop and think about it, I'm so glad I have something to get out of bed for each and every morning. Sad to say, some people feel that they don't have anything worth getting out of bed for at all. They tend to stay right where they are, as they are. They are not driven to do anything worth while. They are asleep almost all the time. They escape the excitement of another new day by being drowsy and doing little or nothing at all. I feel so sorry for folk like these. "Life is short even at it's longest", Henri Nouwen says. So, get up you sleepy heads and live life.
Monday, October 02, 2006
While I was reading on our front porch this morning, I kept hearing the sound of the birds in the trees. They were chirping away so much that I couldn't concentrate on what I was reading. After awhile, I took my hearing aids out of my ears in an attempt to get back to the book I was trying to read. All of the sudden I realized that that is how I treat God at times. Fact is that's how I treat people at times. If I don't want to hear what they have to say, I just turn off my inner hearing aid as if they aren't speaking to me. Well, I got to wondering if others do the same thing to me. I'm sure they do. More than anything else, I need to stay tuned to the voice of God and those people nearest to me. They just might have something to say that I really do need to hear.
This afternoon when I went back to the porch swing and sat back down to read again, I didn't turn off my hearing aids. I kept them on and listened to the birds in the trees as they chirped away. While I didn't understand a thing they had to say, I still got their Monday message for me. The sound of silence can be wonderful, but so can the chirping of the birds who chat away as I try to read. Maybe you need to listen to the birds. They might have a message for you too.
This afternoon when I went back to the porch swing and sat back down to read again, I didn't turn off my hearing aids. I kept them on and listened to the birds in the trees as they chirped away. While I didn't understand a thing they had to say, I still got their Monday message for me. The sound of silence can be wonderful, but so can the chirping of the birds who chat away as I try to read. Maybe you need to listen to the birds. They might have a message for you too.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
I have one older brother who is still living. He is two years older than my twin and myself. In just a couple of days he will turn sixty-five. I would kid him about it but I know that my twin isn't far behind. Poor fellow! Sixty-five used to be considered as being old. Not now. That's the good news about becoming sixty-five. I remember our Father asking me years ago, "John, when did I grow old?" I told him that he wasn't old yet. Now that my older brother is turning sixty five, I wonder if he has asked that question of anyone. I doubt that he has because he is still acting young. As he goes on before my twin and myself, he gives us a glimpse of how hard or how easy becoming older might be. I guess I better turn up my hearing aids so I can hear him if he starts to tell me all about life at his age. By the way, before I forget it, Happy Birthday, Kenneth! And, many, many more.
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