Wednesday, October 25, 2006


While I was working with my last blog, I noticed the process of a blog being published. After I
have written this, the publishing of it will begin. As it is happening, I'm told what % of it has
been accomplished. Then when it is through, I 'm informed that "your blog has been published
successfully. (details.....)"
All this got me to thinking about my life, of all things. This Saturday night we are to change our clocks back an hour for Daylight Savings Time. I wonder, what % of my life have I lived? I'm 62 years old, how much longer do I have to live? How much longer do I , if you will, have to publish my life? I have a pastor friend who has a habit of saying, "if you will", in almost every sermon. One Sunday I counted twenty times that he said that without even realizing he had even said it. Well, he 's rubbing off on me because I just caught myself saying, "if you will?, a second ago. Ugh! So, I really do ponder how much longer I have to live and how much longer do I have to say and do good things before my life is over. Will it be lived successfully? As I look in the rear view mirror of my life thus far, what do I see? Is it successfull or a failure? What are the details thus far? I can't go back and do it all over but I can go forward and try to do better, if I will. As I live my life, I want to keep the SON in my eye's. I deeply desire to live my life with purpose and passion like Jesus who told Almighty God, "not My will, but Thine be done". Join me somewhere on the journey, "if you will."

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