Thursday, October 26, 2006


This afternoon as I was working at my desk, suddenly our daughter rushed into the living room and hid a dog bone from one of our two grand-dogs . Of all things it was like hiding Easter eggs on a cold damp day in late October. Sure enough, one of the two dogs darted into the room as if it were Sherlock Homes in search of something. I realized that our daughter had hidden a bone beneath one of the two couches and was waiting to see if Memphis would find it. Sure enough, like a good dog, he had the bone in his mouth before she could sneeze. I thought to myself, isn't this silly! Here' s a grown womand acting like a little child looking for Easter eggs. Then all of the sudden I realized that I too was having a good time as I watched with anticipation. I had become like a little child who was watching one of our children playing. I'm so glad that what I was doing could wait or, I would of missed the moment. A precious moment. I sure do hope there are many more moments to come in our house we call home. Now, where was I before I was interrupted by a bone, two dogs and a darling daughter?

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