Monday, October 02, 2006


While I was reading on our front porch this morning, I kept hearing the sound of the birds in the trees. They were chirping away so much that I couldn't concentrate on what I was reading. After awhile, I took my hearing aids out of my ears in an attempt to get back to the book I was trying to read. All of the sudden I realized that that is how I treat God at times. Fact is that's how I treat people at times. If I don't want to hear what they have to say, I just turn off my inner hearing aid as if they aren't speaking to me. Well, I got to wondering if others do the same thing to me. I'm sure they do. More than anything else, I need to stay tuned to the voice of God and those people nearest to me. They just might have something to say that I really do need to hear.

This afternoon when I went back to the porch swing and sat back down to read again, I didn't turn off my hearing aids. I kept them on and listened to the birds in the trees as they chirped away. While I didn't understand a thing they had to say, I still got their Monday message for me. The sound of silence can be wonderful, but so can the chirping of the birds who chat away as I try to read. Maybe you need to listen to the birds. They might have a message for you too.

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