Saturday, January 31, 2009


I went to see my two best friends, Barnes & Noble this morning. While there I started
reading, UNcommon, by Tony Dungy. Since I've always been impressed by how he
conducts himslef I thought it would be worth reading. After drinking coffee and reading
a few pages, I went ahead and bought the book. I'm glad I did. I'm finding it to be a book
that has a great deal to say.
While watching the Super Bowl Sunday night, most likely I'll be reading right along with
the game. I've already come across somethings I want to share with others as soon as I
possibly can. I underline sentences and make notes so that I can refer to them again.
I'm amazed at how Dungy expresses himself so well. He has a great deal to say and
says it all so well.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Both of my brother's who live in Louisville are having to deal with the winter weather
in a rough way. Tree limbs have caused power shortages and the water has caused
some flooding due to sup pumps not working well. What a way to live in Louisville.
We're blessed in Bowling Green with all utilities working well. While it is cold outside
it's warm within. I just hate to see what it will cost us. That's ok. I can survive.
I've been snug as a bug in a church rug while reading and watching out for things
around here and people elsewhere. My daughter and I may go out after ahwile to
look for her a car. Her's was totalled in a wreck so she has to get one soon. Maybe
the sales person will be help her out due to wanting to sell cars.
I'm ready for the Super Bowl. I've got the popcorn, drinks and a cozy chair. Bring
it on! Are you ready for some football? I want to see a great game and I want the
Steeler's to steal & seal the game.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Yesterday afternoon I took our daughter on a date. We went to Barnes and Noble where
I bought yet another book. I get so much out of Eugne Peterson's books that I just have
to read them if I can. The book I bought is, Eat This Book. It may sound like a strange
name, but it is about how we really need to read The Bible rather than giveit a glance.
I've finished Peterson's latest book, Tell It Slant and found it to be his best book. It is a
book I will re-read again and again. While I get some sermon ideas from what he writes,
most of all I am blessed by what he has to say.
It is going to snow and be icy around Kentucky tonight and Tuesday so I will wait to
start reading this book that I pickedup yesterday. While we were at Barnes and Noble
we had coffee and cheescake as we watched a lot of others spending a Sunday afternoon
at Barnes and Noble. We will have to do it again some Sunday afternoon. Maybe she
will buy me a birthday present next month. Hint -hint.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Open & Closed Case

This afternoon when I went to see my hearing aid representative, he asked me if I
still like my hearing aid. After he asked me twice, I told him that they were working
well. That's when he told me loudly that I didn't have them turned on at all. In my
rush to get going this morning I failed to open the case enough to start them. After
he did what I hadn't done, I could hear. He laughed. I didn't.
Maybe I could use this for an excuse whenever my wife wants something from me
or someone else. I will simply tell her I forgot to open and close the hearing aids
as I'm instructed to do. But knowing her, it would be an open and closed case before
I could even begin to talk my way out of it. Again!
He also told me to get the ear wax out of my ears. I knew there was something wrong
when I saw all that stuff on his screen. I guess I need to wash my ears more than once
a week. Ha!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


This Sunday I will be serving Communion at the 8:15 service at church, our daughter
will be back in the praise band after a long time out and, my wife will be at the desk
at 9:00 to assist people at worship. The three of us are busy at Broadway. It feels
good to be servants in service.
We have to be at Broadway by 7:45 a.m. Sunday. It makes for a long morning but
after all we do, we get to go out to eat. Yea!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


For the first time in 17 weeks I'm wearing both of my regular shoes. I can put my boot
out of sight, out of mind now. Yea! It feels so gooooooooood to walk without the boot.
I hope I never have to wear one again.
I hope that I can start doing things again that I have put on hold for four months. I
want to drive now. I want to help serve Communion each Sunday again. I want to do
things around the house that I've had to let my wife do. I can lift things again. Most
of all, I can thank God again. Now, it's nap time again. I'll leave the porch light on for

Monday, January 12, 2009


After spending several minutes having my car worked on this morning, I started to
get up off the couch in the waiting area. I tried twice when all of the sudden I saw a
young man who had been beside me stand up and stretch his arm out to give me a
lift. I hadn't asked him to help, he did it all on his own. I let him lift me up and then
I thanked him gladlyand went on my way.
I wonder who needs a helping hand today from me? From you? I'm sure someone
is in need of a helping hand in one way or another. Maybe a word spoken. Maybe
a kind deed. Maybe a simple smile.
Before getting out of bed this morning I asked the Lord to use me in some way.
Little did I know then that God used someone to help me. Maybe that's why I'm
asking you, who needs your helping hand today? Just look. Just listen. Someone
needs a lift today.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


In June of 2002 I read a small book that left a big impact upon my soul, As I Lay Dying
by Richard John Neuhaus. Neuhaus shares some thoughts about preparing for his death.
He thought then that it wasn't too far off into the future. He thought that he had been
granted a message to prepare him which was, "Everything is ready now." Those four
words gave him hope and encouragement.
I've read this small book seven times because it has helped my own faith journey. It
has reminded me that Jesus has gone to preapre a place for me. That's all I really
need to know.
This morning I read where Richard John Neuhaus died last Thursday at the age of
72. Surely, everything was ready for him indeed. I want to be ready too to experience
the things God's preparing for me one of these days. Don't you?


I drove today for the first time since breaking my right foot. I drove myself to get
a haircut. I didn't wear my boot (don't tell the Doctor), I wore tennis shoes. I see
my Doctor Tuesday with high hopes and great expectations to give the boot a boot!
I didn't experience any problems in my six mile get-away.
My wife has had to drive me everywhere for these past 17 weeks and I am glad
she did such a good job, even if I was a back seat driver. She passed her driver's
test with flying colors.
I had breakfast at a resturant with a couple of friends for the first time in a long
time yesterday morning. They picked me up and brought me back so I told them
they had to keep on doing it. They told me to take a hike. Why is everybody always
picking on me? All I can say is that it was a real pick me up.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


What a way to start a new year! This morning an eye Doctor examined my eyes
and told me theyhad a wrinkle and not to worry it's part of the aging process. I
already knew I had wrinkles. All I have to do daily is look at the man in the big
mirror to see them. The Doctor did say that I could come back in six months and
he would see my eye's had more wrinkles. Wow! I can't wait for that!
Next week I hope to give the boot on my right foot off and get on with my life
without a boot and a broken foot. It seems like I've had either a boot or a cast
my foot forever. I'm just glad I can do what I do when I do what I do as well as
I do.
Next month my twin turns 65 and I just hope he has more wrinkles that I do.
I know I've got more good looks. I take a good look at myself every day and
then I go back to bed!! I'm trying to give my wrinkles some rest. Maybe I
should go get some wrinkle cream before I look like another brother I have.
I won't call names to protect the guilty guy.