Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Open & Closed Case

This afternoon when I went to see my hearing aid representative, he asked me if I
still like my hearing aid. After he asked me twice, I told him that they were working
well. That's when he told me loudly that I didn't have them turned on at all. In my
rush to get going this morning I failed to open the case enough to start them. After
he did what I hadn't done, I could hear. He laughed. I didn't.
Maybe I could use this for an excuse whenever my wife wants something from me
or someone else. I will simply tell her I forgot to open and close the hearing aids
as I'm instructed to do. But knowing her, it would be an open and closed case before
I could even begin to talk my way out of it. Again!
He also told me to get the ear wax out of my ears. I knew there was something wrong
when I saw all that stuff on his screen. I guess I need to wash my ears more than once
a week. Ha!

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