Tuesday, January 06, 2009


What a way to start a new year! This morning an eye Doctor examined my eyes
and told me theyhad a wrinkle and not to worry it's part of the aging process. I
already knew I had wrinkles. All I have to do daily is look at the man in the big
mirror to see them. The Doctor did say that I could come back in six months and
he would see my eye's had more wrinkles. Wow! I can't wait for that!
Next week I hope to give the boot on my right foot off and get on with my life
without a boot and a broken foot. It seems like I've had either a boot or a cast
my foot forever. I'm just glad I can do what I do when I do what I do as well as
I do.
Next month my twin turns 65 and I just hope he has more wrinkles that I do.
I know I've got more good looks. I take a good look at myself every day and
then I go back to bed!! I'm trying to give my wrinkles some rest. Maybe I
should go get some wrinkle cream before I look like another brother I have.
I won't call names to protect the guilty guy.

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