Monday, May 31, 2010


Our daughter just drove in from Indy after seeing the Indy Race yestersday. She
stayed over to catch her breath before the drive home. While we didn't see her
on tv, we knew she was in the crazy crowd. DerbPie (her dog) is wagging hs
tail in celebration of having her home. he brought me six MARS BARS! She
knows how much I love them & her.
I better go hear all about the weekend so I don't miss the details of her being
at the Indy 500 again.


I told somone at church yesterday that I had to huury home and walk naked before

the rain arrives. She looked at me as if I was crazy. Why,I don't know. I always walk

naked. I even like it to drive naked. I like to get naked! Naked is my dog.Excuse me,

I've got to go get Naked.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I'm about to take our two dogs outside on a Saturday morning where our neighbors are
having a yard sale. It's to start at 7:00 but people are already looking things over and
it's only 6:15. Both of the dogs will bark, bark, bark until I bring them back in the house.
The people won't be able to be heard with two dogs barking at them. I'll bringthem back
inside after they do their thing.
My wife and I have to travel about a two hour drive to a funeral this afternoon. The
lady taught Sunday School when my wife was a young girl and left a lasting influence
on her life. Albany, Ky is near some lakes so I might go for a swim while she is at
the funeral home. Not! I'd be dead sooner than soon. Send flowers.
This has been a week of travel: Nashville, Somerset, Louisville & now Albany, Ky. I
hope we can catch our breath soon since I'm "on call" all of next week for the church
visitation. Maybe everyone will get out and stay out of the hospitals. I wish.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I made a mistake by asking my wife what else I could do to help her around the house.
Before I could run for the hills, she handed me a long list of little (ha) jobs to be done. I
started by trimming a big bush beside the house. But she then told me to cut it way
back. What!
I was up and at it at 6:00 this morning hoping to beat the heat. I trimmed three big
bushes and then moved to the other side of our house and did one more big bush. I
picked everything up and the raked some leafs by a tree. Needless to say, I learned
my lessson. Don't ever ask such a silly question of the wife, men. She will tell you
far more than you want to know.

Monday, May 17, 2010


At the ending of another day, I'm out back on our deck looking at the changing
clouds high up in the sky. "Now you see it, now you don't" is what I'm thinking
as the clouds come and go so quickly. I see the sun going down on the other
side of the pine trees at the fence. What a sight!
I trimmed bushes early this morning before it got too hot to work with them.
After picking up and putting away, I was on my way to read and sip coffee
while reading a mystery that has me in it's grip. It amazes me that there are
so many myteries to read. Where do all these thoughts come from is a real
mystery to me. Then there are movies and tv shows, etc..
I needed a day like today. My wife and daughter were both in Nashville so
I did pretty much whatever I wanted and needed to do. I even baked a cake
for my family while they were gone. The mystery of the missing cake has me
wondering who slipped into the kitchen and had a big piece of it. But when I
followed the crumps though I found the Crum who did it, he was staring at me
in the mirror asking, "Got milk?" Guilty as charged! I say. Mystery solved.
Well, the sky is getting darker at dusk so I better go see if there is a good new
mystery on tv tonight for a tired old man whose bones are in need of some
Ben Gay at the close of a great day. I'll leave the porch light on for you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


After my wife and I had painted our daughter's bed room, she told us it was way to dark.
That's what I had thought as I applied the paint she had selected. It was way to depressing
for me. So, being the nice parents of a loving daughter, my wife and I repainted her room
again yesterday. What a difference a day makes! The lighter color is a grand slam home run!
I hope we can retire from painting now and relax. Ha!
Saturday is the Hunting Creek yard sale where neighbors have items for sale and hundreds
of people show up attempting to buy a bargain. Not me! I'm out of here. Barnes and Noble,
here I come.
What I want to know is, who runs this home? I think I already know. It's not me. Excuse
me, my wife is calling.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Even though Mother's Day was last Sunday, I'm going to share some thoughts about
mother's at the Retirement Village in the morning . Since there are more women than
men who attend the monthly services, I think they will be ready to hear what I want
to say.
I'm going to share about a letter that I wrote 57 years ago to my mother. I will read
what I wrote to her and then read what she wrote about my letter. Four words are
written on the back side of my letter, "Very precious to me." Those four words are
very precious to me, to say the least. So many memories come to mind whenever I
remember Momma. What a woman. What a Mother. What a Christian who influenced
my life so very, very much! She still does whenever I think of her.
My prayer is that these woman (Mothers) will have many precious memories as they
reflect upon their long lives. I hope the three or four men will be blessed by what will
be said. I kow I will be, even if I say so myself.

Thursday, May 06, 2010


A bird nest has been built on our front porch over the past few days. Whenever I want
to read while on our swing, birds swoop down at me. I just hope they don't drop any
bombs my way! I'll leave them alone if they will leave me alone. I'll even go out back
to the deck to protect their babes.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


When I was starting out of our subdivision today, I had to make a u-turn due
to water over the street. I didn't drive through it because I didn't want to be
struck or send waves of water higher into a near by house. I'm amazed at
how high the water was and how fast it takes place. I drove that way just
yesterday without water being a problem at all.
When I see the thousands of homes and places under water, I send up a
prayer for all those dear people and their problems. I'm moved by the
people who seek to provide any help they can for people they may not
even know. It makes me want to do more for others as well.
I'm glad to see the sun instead of rain so that the waters can reside and
things dry out. Then there is all the clean up to be done. Wow! May
they be given added strength through it all.
Give thanks for what you have during these days of troubled waters.