Friday, July 08, 2011


I have missed my twin brother today. While I was at Barnes
& Nobel, I picked up two books about the death of siblings. At
first I was just going to get a quick glance at them and get up
and on my way. Several minutes latter I did just that with tears
in my eyes.
Each book spoke about things siblings meant to say and do with
one another but failed to get it done. Things like talking about the
past and the future, going on trips together, calling one another
more often, etc. Harold and I both had good intentions but failed
to follow through on them when we could have and should have.
I saw my twin as I turned the pages of the two books. I thought
of my twin as I put the two books back where they belonged. And
then I left as a soft rain was falling down from the sky as I walked
out to the car. The rain and tears kissed one another as I wiped
them off my face and headed home knowing that it is good to have
days like this. It was a good day indeed. Good night Harold, good night.

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