Sunday, June 26, 2011


Harold had a great respect for Dr. W E Sangster who wasn't able to speak near
the end of his life due to an illness. How strange it is that Harold was in a very
similiar situation at the end of his life. Yet the two of them were alike when
I think of a quote (I don't have it all) that Dr Sangster said comes to my mind.
It went something like this:
"How sad it would be to not be able to speak about Easter because of not having
a voice, and yet, even sadder to have a voice to speak with and stay silent about
Harold shouted EASTER at his Celebration of life last Friday night when those
there spoke about him and his Lord. Easter was echoing throught the songs.
speakers, sights and spirit of the service.
A Scripture comes to my mind: "We cannot but speak of that which we have
seen and heard." (Acts) Let us all speak loud and clear with our lives and lips
that "Because He Lives, I can face tomorrow.." Don't be mute. Be bold and get
the message told. Harold did!!

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