Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I knew that when I sat down out back on our deck a few minutes ago
that the first thing I needed to do was to turn to the Obituaries in the
newspaper. When I saw the page the first person's picture I saw was
that of my twin, James Harold Coomer, age 67. Tears fell down on the
page almost hitting what was written. After catching my breath, I read
it. It was well written about someone whose journey is completed. So
I say, Well done, Harold, well done.
As I read all the things family and friends say about Harold through
emails and facebook, I'm reminded how Harold had such an impact
upon so many lives, in so many ways. Again, well done, Harold, well
done. I have no doubt that his life will touch lives for years to come
as others remember how he said or did something for them through
out the years, mostly the ones where he strugged to survive whatever
came his way. I know that his twin brother is seeking to survive all
that has come my way, and Harold has shown me how to run (walk)
the race.
One of these days the two of us will be together once again. Until then,
I must do my best because Harold was always asking me how well I
was doing. It wasn't about Harold, it was all about someome who has
walked the journey by his side as a twin brother I have many more
miles to go, but I know I can make it if I follow in the footsteps of one
who walked in the foot steps of another person, Jesus Christ.

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