Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I went to Kroger today with my wife to do some shopping. I had shaved right
before leaving, but when she met me at the car I had grown a beard. It was a
slow go. But I give her credit for getting the job done, When we arrived home,
I unloaded the car and the stocked the shelves while she rested. She must of
hid the M&M's though. Not to worry, Detective Preach will seek & find the lost
so I can save them from getting lost forever and ever. Amen.
I took a nice nap, read some outback on the deck and visited with a friend before
coming back inside. All in all, it's been a good day. I want to go to Barnes & Noble
next & read a real book before they all turn into Nooks or some of the other
electronic devices. Maybe I can there before the week is over if I'm a good boy.
Well, I'll give it a try.
My thoughts and prayers are for Harold moment by moment that he survies
a stroke and fall. I can't get him out of my mind since I love him like a brother.
I love all my brothers but don't tell them I said it.

Peace and prayers.

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