Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I've been doing light yard work (picking up sticks, etc) today as a
way of relaxing after my trip to Louisville yesterday. I've been
tired today and have even slipped in some sleep along the way.
Wednesday will be another busy day for us and I am trying to
milk this for all I can get.
I'm encouraged after seeing Harold (twin) yesterday. He was
in a good mood for the most part even though he was tired and
wondering what was going on. Time and prayers can bring him
better days if he keeps on improving.
Seeing my twin as he is reminds his twin that I need to take
better care of myself in every way. I need to drop some pounds
and I need to spend more time with my wife. I know I am going
to give it more attention if I can.
I plan to watch UK play basketball before much longer and I
hope to have a restfull night. That's it as I see it.

1 comment:

L. Peyton Adams said...

Feb 15th is my birthday too and Mom's was Feb 12th. Our whole family loved all of you. Please let Harold know we are pulling for him. I just got Diana out of the hospital for a kidney stone.