Friday, February 25, 2011

The Pastor

I spent some time at Barnes & Noble this morning before going to the
library to return some books. While I was at B&N, I bought a brand
new book by Eugene Peterson, The Pastor. Even thought I'm retired,
I thought this would be a great read.
Peterson shares some thoughts about his many years as a pastor in
the book. It has already brought back many memories of my ministry
as a pastor, the good, the bad a nd the ugly. I know I will be blessed
by reading this 400 page book again and again. Peterson is one of my
favorite writers. I have most of the books he has published and re-
read them often.
Peterson says that too many ministers are nor pastors at all. They
are preachers but not good at being a pastor to/for their people.
He also says that we pastors don't stay long enough in the communities
where we serve. We want bigger, better churches and more money.
I agree with what Peterson has to say. I'm ashamed to say that I
have wanted bigger and better churches and more money. I have
had all three across the years and wish I had stayed longer at some
of the churches I served rather than moving on. If I had it to do all
over again, I would want to stay longer and do much more than I
have in the past.
I thank God for calling me into the ministry many, many years ago.
I hope I was both a good preacher and a good pastor to the glory
of Almighty God.

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