Friday, September 03, 2010


Yesterday was a work day (Labor Day) at our house again. My told wife me to take some things
up to the attic. I asked her who would have to bring all that stuff back down after we're
gone? She said that our son & daughter would. And, I think they should since most of it
is theirs anyway. I just hope the ceiling desn't cave in before they have to do it!
While I was up there I saw Jimmy Hoffa hiding behind some cobwebs. He asked if it was
safe to come out of hiding after all these years. I told him he better stay a little longer
since I might want to join him if my wife keeps on keeping me moving stuff. That way
I would have someone to talk too. Scoot over Jimmy!
One of the things I carried out of the garage was a white bag of dirt. When I emptied it,
two worms started moving and shocked me. Rip Van Worm and Mrs. Rip Van Worm,
Wigglerlett, asked why I woke them up. They have been in that dark gargage for over a
year just laying around. I wish I had left them in the bag because I would of jumped
in there with them. My wife calls me worm from time to time, so I'd be right at home.
Too late now, the worms have crawled on off in search of a new abode.
I hung a picture of our daughter in the garage so she would see it when she drove into
her parking place after getting home for work. She said she couldn't help but notice
it hanging there since it's so large. We had a good laugh before she hit me.
Enough of this stuff! I have to go play hide & go seek before my wife ask me to do
something else upstairs in the basement! I think I craw under our bed & hide with
Adam. (dust-dirt-get it?)

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