Thursday, July 08, 2010


When I got up around 5;00 to take the two dogs outside, only one came running to me. I
snapped my fingers for Dirty Dog to come but she didn't. So I thought she was already out.
She wasn't. When I walked into the kitchen I saw that she had died during the night. We
think it was a heart attack and her age. Dirty Dog was one of two rescue dog that belonged
to our son.
My wife and daughter and I have wept often today because she had become one of our
family members. Derby Pie is a cocker who belongs to our daughter who lives with us.
Derby and Dirty Dog were the best of buddies. He knows she is gone and seems so sad.
I've dug a grave for Dirty Dog so that this evening we can bury her in a spot where she
loved to go. I gave her that name because she was dirty most of the time. She loved
being loved and left a lot of love with us whenever we remember her. That will be often.


Eric Coomer said...

We were so sad when hearing. She will be missed.

L. Peyton Adams said...

I am so sorry for Eric and your good family. I still think of my Inky buried behind Mom's house's garage. Inky Dad found at Centertown for me when we lived in Hartford parsonage. My parakeet Smitty is buried behind the bush beside the old Hartford parsonage. A good dog is unconditional love and a good illustration of the best aspects of being a Christian in many ways. I know it hurts but you are a good family and you got to bless each other.