Saturday, July 10, 2010


I've been working on a devotion for the Retirement Village next Wednesday in hopes
it will help them in some small way. I'm plcanning to preach on, "A Close Shave: How
to Whittle." I think too many people whittle their lives away." I want the residents
there to think about ways they might be wasting the hours of their lives away. What
ways are there for them to accomplish much any more in their lives at the Retirement
While writing the sermon, I started wondering in what ways am I wasting my life? I
visited a lady in the hospital this morning who is on her death bed. She has cancer
and most likely a short time to live. She spoke of her family and her faith while I was
with her. She smiled as the sweat poured down her face. She held my hand as we
prayed together. She thanked me for coming to see her on a Saturday morning when
I could of been somewhere else, doing something else. It was then and there that I
knew though her life is wasting away, I wasn't wasting my time at all by being with her on a Saturday morning. I was right where I needed and wanted to be.
The shavings of our lives lay on the floors of our lives and yet we seem to not see them
because we too busy wasting our lives away on things that aren't worth much at all. So
don't make it a close shave by almost doing something or almost saying something. Do
it now while you can.

1 comment:

L. Peyton Adams said...

Its what I get out of my hospice work with family and friends. I understand exactly what you mean. You only put it better. Good communication skills run in your family.