Sunday, February 14, 2010


After leaving a Valentine note for my wife, I went to the 8:15 service at Broadway.
I consecrated Communion and gave the benediction before going to the 9:30 service.
What always amazes me is why so many people ask me if I'm behaving. Why would
they ask that of a sweet guy such as myself? I think six people asked me that and
the rest offered sympathy to my wife of forty years. Again, I ask why?
I took my wife to Logan's Steakhouse and the sat down to watch tv for the most of
the day. I watched the winter games, basketball, golf, etc. I even snuck in a short
nap before watching more tonight after fixing popcorn for the family.
We may get snow tonight and Monday. I hope the two fellows putting down new
flooring show up after we've moved things in three rooms to be ready for them to
work. Since I'm "on call" for church visitation this week, I have to see what I need
to accomlish before Wednesday when we're going to Nashville for a few days. I
have a sub ready to take over while I'm gone.
Take time this week to keep on sharing love with others because Valentine's Day
is only one day. A smile, kind word, hug or handshake goes a long way in the lives
of others. I know it sure does in mine.

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