Saturday, February 13, 2010


There are so many things to watch on tv tonight that it's hard to watch them all at the
same time. Having three tv's going at the same time helps though. While I'm watching
UK-TN play basketball at 8:00. my wife will be watching the winter games. I'm sure
our daughter will be watching something in her room too. I just hope the three of us
don't make a dash for the bathrooms at the same time!
We're getting the three bedrooms ready for flooring Monday & Tuesday by moving
things out of the rooms that we don't think we will be needing. The only problem that
I see is the snow they say will start Sunday afternoon. We will go with flow though.
I have to be at the 8:15 service tomorrow and then I'm taking my wife out to eat for
Valentine Day while our daughter dines with someone else. Then I have an idea the
three of us will right back watching three tv's all afternoon & evening.
I see my Doctor in Nashville Wednesday and hope to stay in the area for some "get lost"
time with my wife. We've been "on hold" long enough. After being gone we will return
to put things back where they belong and start painting two of the bedrooms. I'm
already tired just thinking about all of it. I slect tv over work.

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