Wednesday, February 03, 2010


This morning, I remember that I wanted to remember something this morning after
I got up. I got up at 5:30 but I can't remember what I wanted to remember. Maybe
whatver it was will come to me again. I should keep pencil & paper by the bed so I
can make a note when I need to remember things. But I forget to do it!
Today is Senior Day at Kroger so the wife & I will wander off into the swell of souls
seeking to fill their carts and get back home before dark. I enjoy watching what is
going on as these dear souls act as if it's an Easter egg hunt. My problem is that my
wife does most of the hunting for eggs while I'm drinking coffee in the drugstore
area and watiting for her. But even that can be entertaining. There are always some
who get mad because they can't get a prescription filled for some reason. They act
like little children when they stomp their feet and mouth words that they shouldn't
say. The workers just stare back at them and say, "next."
I want to go to Barnes & Noble today if I can. I need to look for a birthday present
for someone special, me! My twin has a birthday February 11th and I should get
him a card, but I hate spending money on him. He will be 66 this year. Poor guy
looks older than dirt. I may email him since it's faster and doesn't cost me money.
He might read the card before he turns 67.
No one else is up yet. It's quite. I love it. Coffee is on. Better be moving on. Where
was I going? I can't remember. Hey, Kenneth....

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