Monday, October 05, 2009


I attended three services yesterday and was blessed by all three. The first was the 8:15
service where the pastor preached on prayer before I served Communion. The second
was 9:15 where our daughter sang in the contemporary service before I had to leave
to go preach at my third service.
There were not very many at Sugar Grove but we were blessed. I preached about
places where we meet Jesus in our lives, one being through Communion. I served
Communion and thanked the people for the honor of preaching to them for the
16th time over the past few years. Their pastor is taking a month off to rest. Been
there, wanted and needed to do that.
After all the services we ate at Logan's Steakhouse before I watched football and
golf. A nap was helpfull around 4:00. I'm almost through reading Have a Little
Faith and am finding it to be almost as good as Tuesdays with Morrie. It would
be a good movie in the making.
I need to pray about what to preach next Sunday at Sugar Grove since I want
the sermon to be tailor-made for them. So, I best be getting to work and spend
some time in prayer. I'll pray for you too.

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