Saturday, October 24, 2009

Four for them

I preach for the last time this month at Sugar Grove Sunday. It has been a challenge
to say something that might encourage and equip them. There are so few attending
now that it's difficult to know to say. While they are still in good spirits, they seem to
be struggling to survive. My prayer is that they keep their eyes upon Jesus and let
him guide them forward into the future.
One of the blessings of being there has been to see my younger brother lead the
music and play the piano. He sings and plays with such gusto that you can't help
but sing. He has been like a new spark plug that has ignited a new flame of faith
for them. And, they have been like a spark plug for him. The two go hand in hand
so very well.
I look forward to being back at Broadway for the second service each Sunday after
Sunday at Suar Grove. I also long to go hear a couple of friends preach at their
churches soon. Most of all, I long to serve the Lord with gladness and come into
his presence with thanksgiving.

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