Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day

Our family went out to eat and then took a drive in the country. We even stopped at
Tractor Supply for dog food and a new shovel. Then it was on home where I took a
nap. What a good day not to labor since the rest of the week will be busy.
I didn't seen anyone I knew while we were out which is odd. Most of the time I see
someone I know. They must be under a rock.
I wanted to go to Barnes & Noble and read some but knew I wanted to be with my
family instead. It is my "get-lost" place when I want or need to chill. I'll get there
before the week is out and buy a book that they should have in stock by now. If
they don't, I'll wait for it to come in. Meanwhile, I will read something else while
I'm there.
Hope your Labor Day was a great day.

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