Monday, August 03, 2009


Just back from taking Derby to get a haircut. He will be there most of the day since she
is so busy with other dogs to do as well. That's fine. I'm going to the church to see who
I need to see today that might be in the hospital, rest home or at home. Then by late
afternoon I'll go get Derby and bring him home.
The sermon yesterday was on ENOUGH. Well, we all have more than enough, don't we?
That's why we have yard sells, isn't it? Trouble is, we bring more stuff home from the
yard sell thinking we just don't have ENOUGH! Well, I've had ENOUGH of this! Maybe
I can give some stuff away today or simply slip inside someone's car when they aren't
around. Hey, maybe I can take things and give them to the Preacher while at Broadway
this morning. Aren't I nice!
Well, ENOUGH of this blog. Gotta get gettin!

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