Monday, June 15, 2009

The Today Show

I had a great time with two friends for breakfast last Friday morning. Then my wife and
I met them at a resturant Friday night and ate again. This time, Bob's wife was with us
as well as mine. Paul's wife was out of town. As usual, we talked, laughed and ate until we
had to get going.
Yesterday I consecrated Communion at the 8:15 service and then served as a greeter at
the 9:30 service. Guess what? We went right back to Ruby Tuesday for lunch even though
we had been there Friday night. We saw several people we know which made the meal
there even better. Then it was nap time before watching golf on tv.
Today is hide time. Something tells me my wife has a long list of things she wants done
around the house today. So my mission right now to to scat and hide somewhere. I'd
say where on the blog but she would read it and hide & seek would be all over. So is
this blogggggg.

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