Monday, June 29, 2009

"I'll Drink to That!"

Three of our family went to Starbucks early this evening to listen to Louis & some
others from our church play outside. Louis is our contemporary song leader at our
church. The music was secular rather than sacred at Starbucks. It was out of this
world. They were wonderful!! I hope they do it again soon.
While listening to the music aand drinking coffee, I watched the people who were
there. They were respectful and relaxed. Even though I didn't know everyone
there, I did know most of them.
I just wished they had sang 99 Bottles of of Coffee on the Wall while I drank my cup
of coffee. It was so sooothing! And, since someone bought the coffee for me, it was
even better than usual. Thanks Louis! Next time I'll get super sized Starbuck Coffee
if you're paying for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you all came. Your whole family is wonderful!!!