Monday, February 02, 2009

Slow Poke

Yesterday it was warm enough to be out back on the deck. I pulled up a chair and started
reading UNcommon by Tony Dungy. As I sipped my coffee and read I discovered Dungy
has written a really great book about the things that matter most in living. I'm sure that
by the time I finish reading this new book I will have gathered all sorts of sermon ideas.
I really enjoyed the Super Bowl last night. It was a great game and well worth watching
even if the Steelers won. I ate plenty of pizza and enjoyed the evening. Either team is
worthy of being called champion.
It feels good being back up and going after so many weeks of having to be a slow poke.
I am always wanting to do something rather than take things so slow. There are things
to get done around the house so I better be getting at it. I might need to rest after doing
some things, but that's fine with me.

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