Wednesday, February 11, 2009


My wife and I went out for breakfast this morning to celebrate my 65th birthday. We
then took a drive which led us to a store where she bought me a birthday present. We
looked at several recliners and the bought one which will be delivered Friday. I can't
I had not suspected that she was taking me to shop for my birthday gift. I thought we
were simply spending some time together. What a pleasent surprise when she told me
what we were going to do. Now I can have a nice nap in my very own recliner rather
than on her recliner. I'm sure I can sleep well without a doubt.
It's hard for me to believe that my twin is 65 years old. It's hard for me to believe I
have a twin that old. How did that ever happen? Maybe I ought to go to bed and
sleep on it for a couple of hours. Sounds like a plan to me, doesn't it you?

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