Saturday, February 14, 2009


When I awoke this morning I found a small book by our bed. It is Dadisms. I think
I'll keep in the bathroom to read from time to time, if ya know what I mean. What
makes the book so special are the words written by my son just inside the cover.
What a great gift, better yet, what a great son!
Four of my best friends helped me celebrate my birthday last night at a Mexican
resturant last night. The place was packed. I thought they were all there for my
big occasion. Wrong!
We shared stories and jokes while we ate and enjoyed our time together. My wife
was the one who invited these two couples, as well as a couple of other couples
who were'nt able to make it. My wife and daughter were with me to make a
special occassion even more special. Now I've got to get busy with an April birthday
that someone has in a couple of months. Don't tell you know who, you know what.
Here's my Dadism for the celebration last night, "What do you thinkI am, a bank?"
It was money well spent. I'm worth it! And that's the truth even if I have to lie
about it! This Dad isms out of here..........

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