Thursday, December 25, 2008


Since I was so sleepy last night I thought I might miss the 11:00 pm Christmas
Eve service at our church. I go to bed by 10:00 most of the time so staying up
after midnight really is hard on me. But, I stayed up and went to worship and
I'm glad I did.
The music was wonderful, the sermon was deep but lifted my soul up in thanks
for the reason for the season called Christmas. The candle lighting is always a
very moving moment for me. As I stood to sing I thought of a song our daughter
used to sing as a child , "Light a candle, light a candle and tell the world, and tell
the world, Jesus Christ is born, Jesus Christis born on Christmas morn, on
Christmas morn."
One other thing that touched me were the number of people who gave greetings
before and after the service. They could of been somewhere else doing something
else but they were like me, blessed by staying up a little longer to be blessed in a
big way. Merry Christmas.

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