Sunday, July 20, 2008


I have a friend where we attend church who always approaches me and says, "Morning,
Same." I, in return say, "Hey, Same!" We have the same name so why bother calling
each other John when we have more fun doing it this way. We do the very same thing
every time we see one another. At times, those around us look at us wondering what
we're doing. At times, some around us know what we're all about
If you work with someone with the same name, greet them with, "Hello Same" and see
what happens. It could become a great greeting and create lots of laughter and thus lift
sagging spirits.
You can call me JOHN or you can call me, SAME, most of all, call me FRIEND. Or,
better yet, call me out to eat. You know my name, it's always the SAME NAME!

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