Monday, December 03, 2007


Since Frederick Buechner is one of my favorite writers, I bought one of his books last
week. Listening to Your Life is the title of this book of daily meditations. One of the
reasons I bought the book is that like the title and the thought that what he has to
say will assist me in looking at my own life in a new way.
During these days of Advent I feel a strong urge to look at my spiritual life. Buechners'
book will be my guide as I take a look under the rug of my soul and see what is hidden
there that needs to be swept out and done away with. It might take some time since
I tend to hate house cleaning, if youknow what I mean. I have an idea I'm in good
company about doing something bad. Can I hear an "Amen!"? So I invite you to take
time during these days of Advent to listen to your life and get a pulse beat of what's
go on down deep inside your soul. Take The Bible and let it lead you as you pray
about spiritual things.
Rather than starting my day with Listening to Your Life, I'm going to let it be my
sleeping pill. That is to say, if I sleep well, things are well with my soul.But if I
have trouble sleeping it might mean that something has touched a sore spot of my
soul that needs attention and action. I sure hope and pray that I can sleep well as
I read through these daily mediations. Maybe that's what it means to have a good
night's sleep.

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