Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I took our car in for work yesterday. While I was waiting, I started re-reading Richard
Morgan's, Settling In. In it, Morgan shares some thoughts about settling into a
Retirement community a few years ago. I first read this helpful book in October in an
effort to see what he has to say on the subject. I was deeply impressed with it then but
felt I needed a second reading so I could soak it in better.
I found myself thinking that what my wife and I really need to do is to take time to
read it together. That way, we would talk about the things he has to say. In fact, I
think this book would help anyone who is dealing with these matters for the future.
I highly suggest having a class in church for mid-age adults.
The trouble with reading so many books is that we rush through them without taking
time to stop and soak in the subject. We get onto the next read and leave the last one
behind in the dust. Buy this book and take time to let it read you. It will open your
eyes to things that you just might happen to have to deal with one of these days not
too far down the road.

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