Thursday, September 27, 2007


After performing at a wedding Saturday night, I have to be up early to serve Communion at
Church Sunday morning at 8:15. These are two of my favorite things to do as a Pastor. If I
were to take the time to count how many times I've done both things, it would take awhile.
The truth of the matter is, it's been awhile since I last did either. So, it's good to be back to
doing them once again.
September has been busy for me. I preached three times at a revival and then once at a
small church last Sunday morning. Now I'm performing a wedding and serving Communion
all in the same weekend. I will be serving Communion to the couple I marry Saturday night
and then I'll be back at Broadway where I was as Pastor for five years, several years ago.
So, I will be doing a few of my favorite things with a few of my favorite people. What a

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