Friday, August 10, 2007


The best thing that took place on our 38th wedding anniversary yesterday were the hugs
and the kisses. There were hugs and kisses from my wonderful wife and then there were
the hugs from our two wonderful children. While one gave a gift of money and the other a
gift of mowing our yard, the best gifts were just being with the two of them!
I took my wife out to a resturant where we were ate a great meal. The waiter was aware
of our anniversary and took special to take care of us. He suggested some very good food
as well as a great desert. We enjoyed our time together while we reflected upon 38 years
as husband and wife. We plan to go to a State Park for a few days next week as part of
our own going celebration.
I just realized how many times I've used the word "we" in this Blog. That's it! Marriage is
about "we", not me. It takes two to make a marriage work and while we still have lots of
work to do, the two of us are looking forward to the future. Happy anniversary to the
two of us indeed!

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

Mazal tov!