Sunday, August 12, 2007


My wife fixed me an egg sandwhich for supper tonight. When I put my plate down to reach for
a napkin, our daughter's dog, Derby, decided he wanted some of the sandwhich. Before I knew
what was happening, he had grabbed a big bite of it. I got after him for two things: not praying
first and for not asking me if he could have some of it.
Every once in awhile you have to really be on guard with Derby or he will do a sneak attack.
I've learned to never leave something where he can get to it. He loves to grab my cap and
carry it off.He has been doing that since he was just a littel pup. I've been told he has had help
from a friend. I wonder who that is. I think they call it puppy love. I love the puppy and
the puppy loves to get his teeth into anyting he can.
Derby loves to have a ball thrown into the air to see if he can catch it. The thing is, he starts
running without watching to see where the ball is headed or if it's even been thrown. Then
he stares into the sky wondering where the ball went. After I show the ball to Derby, he has
a great time playing with it while I catch my breath. Dog sitting is hard work!

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