Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I met a minister friend at MacDonald's for breakfast this morning. We hadn't been getting
together for awhile due to being busy. It was great to simply share ome things with each
other over coffee. I don't know who did the most talking but I have an idea that I win. I
talk way too much at times. I take it from my father.
I always enjoy hearing what's happening with my minister friends. I miss being a pastor
at times and yet, I'm glad I dont have all thatadministrative stuff to do. I enjoy being with
people and preaching. That's why I look forward to next month when I will be preaching
at a small church one Sunday and also doing a three night revival for another. Then to top
that, I'm doing a wedding in Nashville toward the end of the month. That's enough to wear
me out!
There are plenty of things to do around the house, so I best be getting back to doing some
of them before my wife tells me what to do. The first thing I need to do is take a nap after
lunch. Now, that sounds like a sound plan to me! I din't know meeting at MacDonald's was
so tiring.

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