Tuesday, August 21, 2007


While I was having breakfast with a friend this morning, I kept watching out the window
at some workers building a new Starbucks. It seems like it hasn't been that long ago that
it was an empty corner lot. Beside Starbucks there is a new drug store being built as well.
It reminds me of one day a few years ago when my wife and I were driving around looking
for a house to buy. One of the streets was overlooking a field with trees and grass. I told
her that I would enjoy looking at that field from time to time as I passed by. Today that
once empty field is full of new houses, hundreds of them for as far back as one can see.
Nothing seems to stay the same very long anymore, does it?
Nothing stays the same very long, does it? Wow! When I look at the man in the mirror I
know that for a fact. All I have to do is take a look at the wrinkles and the changes of my
body to know that I'm not the same man I was when we moved into our house a number
of years ago. My ears are even getting bigger! The better to hear you with, if I have on my
hearing aids.

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