Monday, August 20, 2007


Something I'm always saying is,"That will preach." The trouble is, I often forget what I thought
would preach before I preach it. That is, I fail to make a note of it and then I forget it. I have a
habit of jotting down "S S" in a book when I see something that I think is sermon stuff. I can go
back to the book and refresh my memory so that something can come from that simple note to
myself. It works. I've done it so many times that ought to write a book entitled SS: Sermon Stuff
That Will Preach.
I'm 76 pages into When The Game Is Ovr It All Goes Back In The Box by John Ortberg as
of this morning. The more I read of Ortber's stuff, the more I ask myself, "why didn't I think
of that?" Instead of thinking it myself, I find myself having to give credit to another guy named
John, not myself. But that's ok with me. He has a way of making me think and then do. He has
a way of poking his thoughts into my spiritual ribs. It doesn't hurt as much as it helps. So, I'll
keep looking for places to place yet another "SS" before I put his book back on the shelf to
take down again some day when I need it for some reason or another. I just hope I don't
forget where I put the book! By the way, "SS: That Will Preach!"

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