Thursday, August 16, 2007


When we lived near Owensboro, Ky there was a tv commercial for a car dealership that
always caught my attention. Somone would yell out, "It's hot, Don!" Well, today I can yell
out, "It's hot, Don!!" It's 106 outside right now. I feel so sorry for peoplewho have to work
in this heat. I offer a prayer for their safety during these Summer days when it is very hot.
One of the reasons why my wife and I cut short our trip this week was the heat. It is too
hot to be outside, even if it is in the swimming pool. I rather be home watching tv where
it's cooler.
Before we know it, snow will be falling and we will be complianing. I think it's best just to
take it as it is and live life as best we can. There's always someone, somewhere worse off
than we are. All I can safely say today is,"It's hot, Don!"

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