Monday, August 06, 2007


My wife and I will celebrate our 38th wedding anniversary this coming Thursday unless she
leaves me before that. We are still trying to decide what to do to celebrate. We want to take
a trip somewhere but can't decide where to go. I want to travel a short distance while she is
wanting to travel many more miles than I. Since she is always telling me where to go, I 'll go
where she tells me to go this time too.
We have had our good times and we have had our hard times throughout these thirty-eight
years. We moved nine times before moving back to Bowling Green a few years ago. We are
glad to call this our home after all the moves we've made. When my father retired, my mom
had her very own yard to plant her flowers in without having to get up and move again. I'm
not retired but, my wife feels the very same way about having her garden and flowers in her
own back yard.
I'm sure we will be going somewhere this Thursday to celebrate since it is too hot to sit in
our own back yard and look at the pretty flowers or pluck beans. (God is good!) Maybe I
can take her to a nice resturant in Bowling Green since it is less than three miles from here.
To be honest, I'm looking forward to going off with my wife because that will be a wonderful
way to celebrate a great thirty-eight!

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