Thursday, August 30, 2007


I just removed the air filter for our air conditioner. No wonder the air flow wasn't flowing
as well as it should, the filter was filthy! I think I've found Jimmy Hoffa's body hidden
under our house! Either that or the three dogs hair has clogged things up pretty much.
We had put a new filter in a couple of weeks ago and it looked like it had been in use for
Our souls are a lot like that, aren't they? They get grime and dirt on them and need some
attention. It's called confssion. I know from personal experience that whenever I confess
my sins and forsake them that I feel so much better spiritually. I must do a better job with
my faith filters that keep sins from staying in my life and clogging things up. I also know that
I can't do this every two weeks, I have to do it daily. So should you. Christ takes our soiled
souls and wipes away our sins and sends us on our ways telling us to "go and sin no more."
But when we do, He is always ready to remove the filth from our souls if we would ask Him
again, daily.

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