Sunday, July 01, 2007


I am almost finished reading Eugene Peterson's book, The Jesus Way. I have spent several
hours thus far digestng what he has to say. It is writings such as this that remind me that I
am ignorant of the Scriptures. Even with a Master's Degree from Seminary, I find myself
scratching my head when I read some scholars. This is one such scholar.
The Jesus Way is one of those books that makes me want to know more than I do about my
Lord Jesus because the more I know of Him, the more I know myself, for better or for worse.
As I read Peterson's book, I ask myself question after question about my relationship with
Jesus and the Gospel. This is good for my soul because is gives my soul a good shaking and
allows me to firm up my faith. I don't want to put this book on the shelve and leave it alone.
And, know what it has to say to my soul, it won't leave me alone for very long. It has already
gotten me to look at some scriptures that I had forgotten or forsaken. So, The Jesus Way is
having it's way with me as I let the book I'm reading, read me.

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...

I need to read it, too.

I finished "Blue Like Jazz". It's on my bookcase if/whenever you'd like to read it.