Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Me & My Shadow"

Our daughter's dog, Derby, is just like a shadow. Everywhere you go, Derby goes. If you
get up to go to another room, he will meet you there. If you get up to get a drink of water,
he will look up at you as if to say, "where's mine?" If you go outside, he will be out the door
before you open it. If you want to simply stop and rest, he will be up in your lap before you
can get comfy.
One of the problems with this puppy is that he will be at your feet when you are working at
the computer, asI am right now, and if you aren't watching what you are doing and what
Derby is doing, you will step on him or move the chair and make him whine as if to say,
"watch what you're doing there big guy!"
I can ask Derby if he wants to take a nap around 3:00 in the afternoon and he will head to the
bed without being prompted. The trouble is, when he is on the bed, he wants to play or watch
out the window. Until or unless Derby is out of the room, I don't get much rest at all. But that
is ok with me. I know my little buddy by my side knows he is loved. And, so am I. While he
may be our daughters dog, Derby has brought lots of love to our house even if you have to
watch where you are going or you might trip over him. I also know this, the shadow knows
that his owner thinks he is the best dog in all the whole wide world. He is!

1 comment:

Jennifer Coomer said...
