Thursday, July 12, 2007

Been Busy

I've been busy preaching and teaching over the past few days. Last Sunday I preached for
a friend who is on vacation and will do so again this coming Sunday. Last night I conducted
a Bible study for another friend who is on vacation. I will teach again next week at State
Street. I enjoyed preaching and teaching at both churches. One is very small and one is very large.
The amazing thing is that both churches seemed to survive my being there.
While I miss the week to week preaching and teaching, I sure don't miss all the administrative
things that a pastor has to do week after week. I rather hit & run. Being a pastor is hard work
if the pastor does all the things that have to be done. I know that both Gary and Paul needed
some time off to rest. I'm tired this morning but it's not from preaching and teaching, it's from
going shopping with my wife all morning. I forgive her since she bought my breakast
(with my money) at a good resturant. I just hope she gives me the rest of the day off for
good behaviour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gave you the day off, but what did you do. You moved my desk to set up my art area that I had talked out loud about. You are a sweetie. Janice