Friday, June 01, 2007


When I went outside at 5:00 this morning to water the front yard, I found myself doing much
more. Before I knew it, I was bending over and pulling weeds, walking around and picking up
trash that had been thrown in the yard and looking up at the sky. It was so calm so early in
the morning. No traffic and people passing by seemed to silent things considerably. But before
I finish typing this Blog and drinking my first cup of coffee, I will begin to hear the sounds of
the day coming alive and loud.
I love getting up early in the morning before anyone else in our house. It's my time to hear
the sounds of silence. It's my time to think aboutthe things that I need to get done before I
go back to bed tonight. Right now I am busy with writing the sermon I'll be preaching three
times on father's Day. I am finding this sermon to be difficult due to the fact that some who
will hear it aren't fathers. Or, if they are, some have lost their children through death. What
do you say to soothe them as you seek to inspire and instruct others? I know it will all come
together since I still have several days to be ready, but I sure wish I had a better idea of
where I'm going with it all. Time will tell. These are my early thoughts so early in the morning.
I need to get some more coffee and start working with the sermon since my mind and soul
seem to want to get going.

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