Friday, May 25, 2007


Being the nice guy that I am, I took my wife out for breakfast this morning. After we ate, we
went to an apple orchard. We didn't buy any apples but she bought flowers for the yard. She
even bought me a hanging basket arrangement for the front porch. As I held it, I felt like a
blooming idiot. I looked like one too!
When we left the orchard we had to go pay the water bill and go buy her her own hose. The
one we have keeps getting lost. This will be her hose and no one else is to touch it! That's ok
with me, I don't want to water all these new flowers she just brought home. I have enough to
do jobs already and I can only handle so much at my age. I don't want to over do my doing, if
you know what I mean. Since it's Memorial weekend, she thinks that stands for remembering
all the things that have to get done around here. I wonder what would of happened if I hadn't
been such a nice husband this morning? Maybe I would be taking things easy. she can't wait
till Labor Day!!

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