Thursday, May 17, 2007


Since Saturday is a neighborhood yard sale, even if the price of gas is high, I'm high-tailing it
out of town! I think I'll go see my Father since I haven't seen him in awhile. If I stay here, I'll
have to help carry stuff out before the sale and then carry stuff back in after the sale. This
is one of those days when everyone from everywhere shows up. While they don't buy alot,
they sure look alot. They will walk up and down the streets, go into this yard and that yard
but end up taking very little of someone else's stuff home with them. Come to think of it,
we may of ended up with more in the yard than when the sale started! Now that I think
about it, I still have some nice neck ties that are for free. Maybe someone will take them
this time. I only wear a tie when I preach somewhere. Other than that, they are seldom
seen on me. It's the tie that binds! "I'm free, thank God, I'm free at at last!" Last year I
threw in some of my sermons. Trouble is, they threw them back at me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurry, Dad thinks it was last year's yard sale day when he last saw you! Tell him I'm with you like I was that day!