Thursday, April 05, 2007


I took my wife and youngest brother to Columbia to celebrate my Dad's 95th birthday Monday.
While we were there, Dad read his birthday cards, welcomed family and friends, ate and sang
some songs. It is an amazing thing to see a man who was told a few years ago that he needed
heart surgery, still surviving without it and, going strong for the shape he is in. His youngest
sister is across the hall and having a tough time staying alive.
My Dad's Dad died when he was 94 and five other siblings have died over the past years. Dad
has a desire to live a good life more than a long life. He wants to give God teh glory with how he
lives his life. Hundreds of people who echo the words of Jesus, "Well done, thy good and faithful
servant." My desire is to live my life like Dad is doing because I feel that is what being a Christ
like person is all about. Happy Birthday, Dad!

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