Friday, March 16, 2007


My niece brought her dog, Tucker, to our house last night for us to watch over for the weekend. Tucker is a large dog beside Derby. Tucker is a large dog next to two Huskies. Taking Tucker outside this morning, he leaped forward and got away from me. The good news about the bad news is that Tucker was fenced in and couldn't get out. He had Derby, Memphis and Keyara barking as well as two other dogs next door. It was something else! I knew I didn't dare try to catch and hold Tucker by myself. I may be dumb but I'm not stupid! So I waited for the troops to show up to get Tucker back in the house. Tucker and Derby are sleeping as I write this post and the other dogs are outside wondering where did that great big dog go? I know where I've gone, I've one to the dogs. I also know where I'm going next, back to bed! Good night from the place where I keep hearing, "You're in the dog house now" in the back of my mind. I wonder why?

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